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For many years P&A Software supplied and supported a number of legacy HR systems including Vizual Personnel Manager and Vizual Personnel Director. These products are no longer available; they were withdrawn from sale in 2009. Both products were designed to manage personnel records; while Personnel Manager was suited to smaller companies (up to 200 employees), Personnel Director was designed for use in larger organisations.
Designed specifically for users that were not IT experts, Personnel Manager and Personnel Director provided a user-friendly interface. Both Personnel Manager and Personnel Director provided solutions for HR Managers and Administrator and covered many areas of personnel and included a simple reporting tool, the ability to track key employee dates and a number of Wizards aimed at simplying tasks.
For more information on Personnel Director click here.
For more information on Personnel Manager click here.
Prior to the introduction of our People Inc. time system, we marketed a time & attendance system called Capture-IT, sourced from a company called Parker Technologies . Vizual re-branded this system Working Time Tracker as its Vizual launch was timed to coincide with the introduction of the Working Time Directive. The Capture-IT system combined Captor hardware with in-house software and the Pervasive database engine to provide a workforce management solution.
Call P&A Software on 01908 265111 for some helpful advice or visit our Solutions page.