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Factoring Salary Based on FTE

Factoring Salary Based on FTE

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Salary Calculator

From our Product FAQs

Salary & FTE

Using full time equivalence, it is possible to base a part time employees’ salary on the equivalent salary of a full-time employee.

By basing a part time employees’ salary on the full-time salary for the role an employer can help to insure parity in pay between full and part time staff. The part-time workers (prevention of less favourable treatment) regulations mean that employers must treat part time workers in an equivalent way to full time workers. Using FTE to pro rata full time salary is a way of helping to achieve this.

The calculator below will factory the salary by the FTE percentage entered.

Additional Information

External Resources

The following links provide additional information about salary entielement. The links are to pages on websites over which we have no control. This information is provided for reference only.

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