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The People Inc. family of products

The People Inc. family of products

Contact Us: 01908 265111

HR, Time & Attendance and Self Service Solutions

Our People Inc. family of software modules is designed to enable the HR team with an organisation to record and manage their personnel records, communicate effectively with employees and management, and improve the efficiency of their HR function. The optional Employee Self-Service and Time & Attendance modules provide users with a wealth of additional functionality.

People Inc. enables users to manage a wide range of personnel, training and recruitment information and generate reports and letters. When used with the Employee Self-Service module, individuals can submit holiday requests which are routed to their managers for approval. Managers can also book sickness and other records for their team.

Design tools are provided so that users can adapt and personalise their system quickly and easily. This means that they can configure their People Inc. system to meet all of their needs, adding new functionality where needed (for example when internal HR policies or procedures change). These design tools can also be used to add workflow to the Employee Self-Service module.



People Inc HR Module

The People Inc. HR module is designed to record and manage comprehensive employee records, automate and streamline HR processes, and help organisations adhere to employment legislation. The system is designed to manage a wide range of personnel, training and recruitment information and generate reports and letters.

In addition to the information recorded about each employee, features are provided to manage staff holidays and absence, training and appraisal records, details of pay and benefits, medicals, equipment, disciplinary records, and much more. Users can attach documents to employee records and the system will help manage HR processes and generate reminders for key dates.

Design tools are included with the system. Users can adapt and personalise their system quickly and easily. All of the existing screens and reports can be adapted, and users can add any number of new reports, fields and screens to the system. This means that People Inc. will always accommodate and meet all of an organisation's needs (for example when internal HR policies or procedures change).



Employee Self Service Module

The People Inc. Employee Self-Service module provides controlled access to the People Inc. system via their web browser (on their PC, tablet or mobile phone). Using the ESS employees can request holidays, submit timesheets and expenses, and update their personal details. Employee Self-Service provides access to information, helps to minimise an organisation's reliance on paper-based forms, it improves accountability and speeds up the time needed to respond to requests.

Where requests are made via the ESS, these are routed to line-managers for approval, and (once approved) the details are recorded automatically within the People Inc. system. If required, using this tool, your managers may also access some employee-related records allowing them to see and maintain the information.

As a communication tool, the ESS can be used to distribute news, company statistics, employee contact details, HR documents (such as the employee handbook) and HR policies. A number of forms are provided with the system, for example a sickness registration form, but users can add further forms. This might include a uniform request form, a training feedback form, or an online appraisal form.



Time & Attendance Module

Designed to roster staff and manage their timekeeping, the People Inc. time module combines hardware and software elements to provide a fully featured Time & Attendance solution. Integration with the People Inc. HR module ensures that only one set of employee details, and one set of absence details are required.

The People Inc. time module will record and manage shift patterns, and then collect real-time clock information using either proximity or biometric clocks. A software clock option provides similar functionality from a PC or mobile phone. Organisations can also use the People Inc. time module to manage access-control.

Using the roster information and the clock information, the system can then highlight absence (including late arrival and shortened working days), calculate overtime, and manage flexi-time. Users can then extract information for payroll-processing.

Shift-pattern and employee attendance information can be made available (to individuals) via the People Inc. Employee Self-Service module


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