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14th August 2015
A wealth of information can be managed using the People Inc. system and this can be analysed using reports. But this is a manual process that can be time consuming. The Statistics screen provides an alternative. The screen works by automatically processing the figures and displaying the results in a series of monthly summary records.
The Statistics Screen is recalculated and updated automatically overnight so no user action is required to populate the screen. A new record will be added for each company on the first day of a new month (a record for April will be created on the first of May for example).
In order to make efficient use of system resources some historical records are not recalculated daily. The Recalculate check box indicates if a record will be recalculated, typically records will be recalculated for the previous year.
For records that are over a year old there may not be sufficient data in the system to populate all of the fields. In these cases the system will leave these fields blank but still calculate the values of other fields in the same period.
Figures such as headcount are calculated at the beginning and end of the month and it is possible to display either value in the screen depending on a customer’s preference. Other figures such as hours lost to sickness are calculated over the entire period.
The monthly company record provides pre calculated summary values for various dimensions of the company. This means that the information can either be viewed in the screen or exported to an external program.
A variety of reports are included which makes it is straight forward to export the information for manipulation in a spreadsheet program (Excel). Custom reports can also be easily created using the Report Builder tool.
Reports can be emailed directly from the system to managers or alternatively (via the ESS) managers can be allowed direct access to the screen and/or the reports (depending on security settings).
If you would like to find out more, contact the People Inc. helpdesk to organise a demonstration.
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